gcr3 edge has been designed to deliver you a competitive edge.
To power up your functional teams by reducing the focus on know how [experience] and place a stronger emphasis on the talent dimensions ability [skillsets + intelligences] and energy [behaviours + attitudes].
This product makes a significant shift away from the traditional approach.
Because great talent is about so much more than just know how [experience]!
If like us, you’re convinced that the ‘Resume’ is just the beginning of the story – then the predictively valid measurements on ‘ability’ and ‘energy’ delivered by this product will really connect with you.
[accordion] [pane title=”What type of roles can I use gcr3 edge for?”]gcr3 edge is designed to give you the complete candidate story. To give you the information you need to confidently identify talent capable of delivering you competitive edge.
gcr3 edge is geared for powering up the talent in the following functional teams:
- Sales
- Marketing
- Customer Service
- Admin Support
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Technology
- Engineering
- Manufacturing Operations
What are the specific ‘abilities’ and ‘energies’ gcr3 edge measures?
ability [intelligences + skillsets]
Intelligences [cognitive ability]
here we take a measurement of a candidate’s thinking process by facilitating 3 of the following assessments:
- verbal reasoning
- numerical reasoning
- abstract reasoning
- mechanical reasoning
- spatial reasoning
Generic skillsets
- communication [verbal + written]
- technology application
- organisation & planning
Technical skillsets
- we set this as the core function of the role
energy [behaviours + attitudes]
We have the capability to take a measurement [out of 10] for each of the traits listed below. There are 17 traits that have been researched and found to drive effectiveness in the workplace.
[hcolumns]Energy and Drive
- Ambition
- Initiative
- Energy
- Leadership
- Flexibility
Work Style
- Dependability
- Rule Following
- Attention to Detail
- Persistence
Working with Others
- Teamwork
- Concern for Others
- Outgoing
- Democratic
Problem Solving Style
- Analytical Thinking
- Innovation
Dealing with Pressure and Stress
- Stress Tolerance
- Self Control
[/pane] [pane title=”What does the product look like – I’d like to see the process”]
A gcr3 fee is an inclusive price – no hidden surprises here! We believe in keeping things clean and explaining the costs up front.
great value [inclusions]
- selection criteria workshop and development
- wpi trait survey tool – so you can identify the energies [behaviours + attitudes] that will drive maximum effectiveness, specific to your position up front.
- attraction strategy design – a targeted advertising campaign that reaches out and connects with the right candidates – in both the passive and active candidate markets – search plans articulated up front, giving you insight and confidence in the depth of the campaign’s reach.
- advertising costs included
- campaign schedule – up front commitment on timeframes | we coordinate the scheduling of all key activities into your calendar, minimising the risk of losing the best talent because we’re moving quickly.
- application ranking [analytics] – objectively scoring applicants to your selection criteria – full vision into your candidate pool
- top 5 applicants complete cognitive ability assessments – we’ll help you chose the most appropriate suite of 3 cognitive ability assessments for your specific role – these costs all included!
- top 3 applicants interviewed on site with you – we structure the interview and scorecard [to the selection criteria] and then come out and conduct these interviews alongside your interview team – interview support early on is crucial to keeping the focus on the goals we set up front – this interview is focused upon ‘know how’ and ‘ability’ fit. For Hiring Managers with limited recruitment experience this is a great opportunity to learn and upskill
- top 2 applicants energy tested – your Top 2 candidates complete a WPI Select Report – profiling their personality at work – 17 traits that influence a candidate’s effectiveness at work measured, scored and explained
- final interviews – coordinated by us, and conducted by your interview team. Sample interview and scorecard provided. The focus of this final interview is the ‘energy’ fit
- reference checking – of your preferred candidate as the final step of the process – these tailored to the selection criteria and provided to you in full
- employment offer and start coordination
- notification of unsuccessful candidates
- 6 month guarantee
sharing knowledge | being helpful
- internal ad pack [for distribution to your team]
- cobranding on all external advertising welcome – let’s work together to build your employment brand
- great visibility – regular touch points throughout the process – giving you the power to choose who moves through to the next stage